113 Room Staybridge Suites in MT
Average monthly Store Sales
Average Monthly Gas Sales Gallons
Cap Rate
Room Revenue
Annual Room Revenue
Annual Net Profit
Staybridge Suites is a 113 room extended stay hotel that is currently the centerpiece of West Bank Landing, a recently developed residential/retail complex on the bank of the Missouri River that attracts locals and visitors alike with its scenic location. The Staybridge was the first major development at the landing and already businesses and restaurants have sprung up around it. An exciting mix of condos, apartments, restaurants, breweries, and contemporary shops is planned in the near future. In Great Falls, Montana, West Bank Landing is definitely the place to be! Built in 2006, major updating has already taken place and the property is in pristine condition. The Staybridge Extended Stay is the best hotel in town and this along with its sough after location has enabled the property to command an ADR much higher than its competitors. The economy of Great Falls is firing on all cylinders with substantial gains in both employment and income over the last 10 years and the future looks very bright.